Advertise with NAME

How to Post Ads

Advertisements on the NAME web site
The cost of one advertisement posting on the NAME web site is:
  • $100 for members of NAME and/or NAME accredited agencies.
  • $150 for non-members and non-accredited agencies.
  • NB: $50 will be charged for each revision of an already posted ad.

The job will be posted for 60 days on the website (or a shorter period if requested). Longer periods of time may be requested and the rate will be appropriately pro-rated. Web ads should be saved as a Word document (.doc or .docx) without attached files or as a PDF. THE SIZE LIMIT FOR POSTINGS IS 2 mb. A link to your website may be included within your document as a hyperlink. Send your ad as an attachment to NAME at [email protected] and include billing information. 

If you would like your job posting shared on NAME’s Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or Facebook pages, please compose a brief job description with a link to the NAME online job posting.The advertisement will be posted only once on social media (but can be shared or retweeted), only after payment of fees, and must be under 280 characters (including spaces and the link). E mail these posts to [email protected] 

Job Posting Information

In order to ensure uniformity in the job postings, please try to include (if possible) the following information in the job advertisement:

Position Title
Location and Hiring Agency
Salary or salary range
Starting Date
Last day agency will accept applications
Job Requirements (in particular board certification)
Workload (Number of autopsies that the pathologist is expected to conduct per year, etc.)
Contact person information- name, address, phone number, e-mail

NAME reserves the right to change or amend this information at any time.

Meeting Notices

Notices for forensic meetings will be posted without charge. The agency requesting the posting must submit a brief statement (under 150 words, no pictures) of the conference in an e-mail or Word document (not pdf). If available, a web link to the conference information can be included in the text as an html link.

NAME members involved with hosting a meeting may submit a single PDF document (under 2MB size) for posting in addition to the conference information as requested above. PDF documents cannot be posted for non-NAME members. Text should be included in the brief statement (as above) to reference the PDF document and the web master will link the text to the PDF in the final posting.

Forensic Consultants, Private Autopsies and Other Services

Advertisements for such services are a member benefit and are restricted to NAME members, who agree to abide by the ethical policies of the Association.