Public Position PapersScientific position papers of the National Association of Medical Examiners have a 5 year sunset limitation. Any scientific paper listed which has a publication date greater than 5 years is NOT to be considered the official position of NAME. Administrative position papers and position statements do not sunset unless determined to do so by NAME leadership. Important note on "Draft" Papers, which are submitted to members for comment when applicable (and available only during review on a separate page of this web site): Please note that DRAFTS are posted on the members-only, password-protected part of the NAME website after the Board of Directors has approved the concept of the paper. The drafts are then open for NAME member (not public) review and comment to the author(s) in accordance with NAME policy. There are still many steps in the position paper process before these documents can be submitted to our journal as NAME-endorsed or provided to anyone outside of NAME. Releasing draft papers, which have not yet been edited by the authors or received final NAME Executive Committee and Board of Directors approval, is NOT appropriate. To characterize them as the official position of NAME prior to their approval by the BOD would not be factual. NAME Position Paper Process 2025 Administrative Position Papers (no sunset date)
Scientific Position Papers (Sunset in 5 years)
Position Statements |